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Secrets to Hooking Up Online

| June 4, 2013

Hooking up online always has an element of mystery surrounding it. Were going to give you some secrets to help you understand the mysterious universe that is hooking up online and ensure you succeed in the best possible way. These secrets to hooking up will help you create a couple of stories that you may want to remain a secret, but certainly never forget. Hooking up online certainly is not a perfected science but there are things that are proven to assist you in finding success when trying to find a girl to hook up with online. These secrets will also help cover your ass if you need to make an escape after the deed is done or if you find yourself sitting across from a weirdo or freak and need to bail as quick as possible without being harmed in the process.

Don’t Put all Your Eggs In One Basket


I’ve said it before that hooking up online is a numbers game [Read: How to Hook Up On Dating Websites] and the secret to playing the numbers game is to use as many sites as you can to try and find girls to hook-up with. If you only use one site then you’re significantly reducing your chances for success. You can create a generic message, copy it and then paste it into as many messages as possible instead of wasting your time typing a new message every time you find a profile of someone you would like to hook up with. You can customize it a bit by adding there username or a small detail specific to their profile or appearance in a profile picture, but the bulk of the message you can just paste into the message and get right back to browsing profiles to increase your numbers since that is the point after all.

A Lot Of Profile Will Be Inactive


I don’t know if this is going to come as a huge shock to a lot of you but the truth is that a lot of the profiles you will come across on dating sites have been abandoned or rarely checked. It’s easy to get discouraged when you’re sending messages and not getting any responses. This also goes with my previous piece of advise that hooking up with girls online is a numbers game so that when you send messages that don’t get responses they are forgotten because you’re getting responses from one or more of the abundance of other messages you sent. Think about it this way, if trying to shoot and hit a target you could take 3 shots and then say “this will never happen its impossible” or you could pull out a machine gun and empty an entire clip at the target. You’re bound to hit that target at least once, hopefully multiple times…if you know what I mean, and If you don’t then you can grab another clip and try again. My point is that you are going to hit that target it’s just a question of how long it will take and whether or not you’re going to give up before you do.

Appear As Busy As Possible


We have all been on a date and needed and out when the person were with says something that totally turns you off or does something that throws up a huge red flag. I was on a date recently and I asked my date If she was having a good time she responded with “Yes, M’Lord” needless to say I needed to find a way out of there before I ended up like Eddard Stark and got my head chopped off. So if you mention it in passing that you’re always crazy busy and how you just got enough time to get away and be on this date or hookup. That way when you need to escape or you successfully got what you came for and now you want to head home to your own empty bed for the night you have laid the groundwork for your believable exit. Try and throw a few of these in to your conversations “I’m going to enjoy tonight because I have a crazy busy day ahead of me tomorrow” or show up a bit late and give the excuse “I just barely got away for work to make it here, and I have to do it all again tomorrow” that way when you decide to make our escape it won’t come off as if you’re using the old cliché of “Well I got to get up early tomorrow so I’m going to go”.

Two Heads Are Better Than One


When you’re setting up your profile try to have more than just one picture (take Tobias Funke for example, although I’d skip the S&M photo). This will significantly increase your chances for success at hooking up with girls online. Also, the more you show the better. If you have one picture from the neck up then it’s not going to be as effective if you were to have a picture from at least the waist up. If you’re not confident in your appearance then maybe stick to the one pic and when you are communicating with a member (that you want to hook up with, not date! that’s very important) if you have other attributes that are a bit more impressive than don’t be scared to show them, if you got it flaunt it. If that wasn’t clear enough, try a dick pic if you’re more confident in its appearance then your own.

So now you know some of the secrets to hooking up with girls online. If you’re still unsure if you want to give online hook ups a try then check out our other articles [READ: Rules To Follow When Hooking Up Online] or [READ: How to Hook Up On Dating Websites] and you will have all the info you need and the confidence to find a girl to hook up with online.


, June 4, 2013