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Facts To Help You Succeed At Hooking Up

| June 10, 2013

For a lot of people who have never found a guy or a girl to hook up with online the whole idea can be a little nerve-racking. This usually results in the person being hesitant and never making an attempt at hooking up online. We have complied some statistics and information that will provide some guidance and advise to help you find a successful online hook up.

For The Fellas Trying To Hook Up With Girls


Almost 40% of men are not confident when meeting a girl for the first time. All right, guys I know for a lot of you there is nothing more nerve-racking then initiating a conversation and attempting to flirt with a woman, but there are signs you can pick up on to recognize when a girl is on the prowl and just waiting for a man to make his move. It’s nearly impossible to approach an entire group of woman, and since they seem to travel in packs its difficult to get them alone. If you notice a girl is staring off with wondering her eyes while sitting in the group that’s your first sign, and if they go to the bathroom in turns one at a time you’re in the money. When she separates herself from the heard she is hoping someone will approach her, so that is your time to strike.

The first thing you need to do when approaching a woman is to not posses any of the following qualities since they are the top ten turn-offs for woman and they include cystic acne, unkempt nails, flatulence and belching, missing teeth, body odor, bad breath, hairy nostrils, “man boobs,” “goofy” glasses, and hair “mistakes”. Most of those go without saying so I wont emphasize the point further. Next, when a man approaches a woman her initial impression will be 55% based of appearance and body language, 38% on your style of speaking and only 7% on what he actually says. So guys don’t focus too much on what you’re going to say just look good, have confidence and just say “hello”. If you can’t decide what to wear when trying to hook up with a woman, wear blue. Studies show that woman are attracted to men in blue.

If you’re not a frequenter of the bar scene and it’s not a place your comfortable with studies actually show that schools, colleges, coffee shops and malls are the best places to flirt because people are more comfortable and open to meeting new people in these places. Examples of bad places would be movie theaters or restaurants. Another helpful fact is to exude happiness, since happiness is contagious it is harder for a person to walk away from someone who is happy and on the flip side negativity is the biggest turn off for woman on dates. Mirroring or repeating a woman’s body language will likely impress your date because it subtly conveys interest in the other person, but avoid copying every move since that will certainly come off a bit strange.

Lastly guys it goes without saying that the most attractive women get more stares, winks and verbal harassment than regular or average looking women, BUT they are significantly less likely to be hit on by an average looking man because those men are to intimidated to approach them…very useful information! If you keep that in mind you’ll be hooking up with girls out of your league and your friends will be left scratching their heads.

For The Ladies Trying To Hook Up With A Man


Woman must know that for a man the task of approaching a woman in the hope of hooking up is terrifying to most guys, so why not to your best to put yourself out there and make it easier for men to approach you, will this not pay dividend in the end for yourself as well? It is very hard for a man to approach a female when she is with only one other girl. The man is going to feel that the other woman or the friend will feel abandoned, so its best if you bring two friends with you. Just don’t bring to many because studies show that men are put off by groups of loud women. Approaching one woman is nerve-racking enough, but the idea of approaching a whole group of loudly talking and giggling or worse case scenario “Woo Girls!” is enough to make a man run for the hills. If you want to be approached periodically take a glance around the bar, I’m sure there will be men looking at you, and when you make eye contact with a guy give him a smile and in a few minutes separate from the group by heading to the bar to order a drink get “lost” looking for the bath room. If you give him the opportunity he should take advantage and start a conversation. If you want to hook up and you’re looking to be approached but you’re just tightly huddled in with your friends not paying attention to the rest of what happening at the bar then you will never be approached by a man.

When it comes to online dating woman are the most afraid of meeting a serial killer (a mans biggest fear is meeting someone who is fat. According to “How to Date in a Post-Dating World” roughly 3% of men are psychopaths and only a tiny percentage of those men are serial killers, so need to fear ladies your odds of meeting a serial killer are paper-thin.

More Food For Thought


According to an Poll “American Sex Survey”, Twenty-nine percent of the people polled admitted to having sex on the first date.

“Flirtology: Over 100 Ways to Release Your Inner Flirt” Advises choosing an exciting and adventurous place for a first date will increase the chance of the person falling for you. There is a definite link between the feeling of danger and physical attraction

20 – 40 Million have used an online dating website. Nearly 50% of those people being aged 18-34 and only 24% of them being 35-44 according to

More than 50% of single people living in America have not been on a date in over 2 years



, June 10, 2013